Eric Hardtke resides in North County, San Diego.  He works primarily in bronze and stone carving, however paints in oil and acrylic and works in multimedia as well.  He also finds it annoying to talk about himself in the third person, so he will stop.

There are many influences that affect my work. I like to tackle themes that appeal to both emotions and intellects, while trying to keep the work dynamic and of our time.  It is important to me to have a certain timelessness to my work as well, which is apparent in my love for bronze and stone. 

I rarely make a new piece without learning or making up new techniques, and through this I try to continuously evolve as an artist. This sometimes causes my work as a body to seem disparate or disassociated.  I am a multi-dimensional person with various thoughts, feelings, and ideas.  My art is but a reflection of my various interests.

I love what I do, and I hope it touches you too. Thanks for visiting.